Zen Resale



attention very young AD white girls only!

Fake News: 
I have been in the news several times:  
My fake national, world-wide news repertoire':

Check this, as some of this was alright, to give you some introduction to me, and some different sides of my personalities, when you put this together, into one big lump sum, kettle, mixing bowl, and or pot.  I'm not done yet!? 
2024  Update:  I am done.  this was over with by 2018.  I was in jail, also.  I just got out.  Give me some pussy. 

My sex community, may come back, at some point in my lifetime, it will sort of be like the jokers cards?  There is some repetetion in life, often, but I do not try for this.  Maybe the next time I strike, in the world-wide media, or local, maybe you'll get the 2nd jokers card, with more information, that you did not recieve last time.  Last time, it was the first jokers card, and my introduction only, some sort of like, "I'm here, did you realize, I do exist on earth?  I'll bet you didn't know that." 
Lookout for the next Soakers Card, in the next 10 years, perhaps.  We'll see. 

0.  I actually was in the news, in 1986, in Chicago first.  I never consented.  The problem starts about here.  I never knew what this was, until around 96, firstly, I began to notice it, more & more.  I was oblivious all these many years.  I was under-cut, & didn't even know it, or why, for most of these years.  I was 100 percent aware, I was in the news, for real, for the very first time ever, in 2013.  Here, I was 100 percent aware for the very first time, ever.  It was real, all of a sudden, to me, & felt that way, also.  I did pretty good in 2013, also.  This is me, basically, with a few mistakes in there, also, due to it being, "fake news," yet again, here, for the most part.  their system.  not mine.  it ended up being sort-of-real though, actually. 
I am very sexual & have been for a long time.  capable of some sexual deviancy also, perhaps.  life is complicated though, when you add other people into the mix, here. 
I do want my own private community, one-day.  I have had shitty, rigged, contrived, spying, neighbors, my whole life now, thus far. 
I'm tired of this shit!  neighbors are for fools!  I find. 
I seek only my blood, for my whole entire private community. 
nothing less. 
no filth, trash, b.c., bunch of water, general public, dips, the stupid, the dead, riff raff, or garbage there, period.
I am the living.  I am very smart.  I am athletic.  I ran cross country.  A real go getter, alot in the past.  I graduated college.

1.  I began as a Humble Child Protestor in the streets of Chicago in the 80's. 
I was raised to be anti-big brother.  anti-1984.  & more.  I can handle old school, I guess.  alot of benefits, to being a luddite.  I do not concider myself, that 100 percent though.  I'm somewhere, in the middle there.  I can tell you this much though.  Since y2k, I don't like where this has been headed, by now.  y2k you people need to relax.  there has been a small conspiracy right here, for a long time, now, in my hood, & I've been sabatoged, sunk, & spied-on, alot right here, for decades, now, since y2k.  I've been against, it the whole time, also, I've come to realize, after fully realizing it, by now, these days.  some hoods ain't like this ya know.  my hood right here, could afford, to go back in time, to 1989, 1990, about here, minus them leaders, up there.  same leaders as right now, but go back to 1989, in how it was, around here.  my deal.   
i think this was in the news in 1992.  something to do with airports or something.  chicago = all dead, it seems.  beyond, also.  usa = the dead.  trying to move out, in 20 years, or less.  anyone with me?  some enemies came just due to this news story, like such as tambo, & more dead.  not the intent.  this one is a long story.  screwed over by people I never knew, or even met before, here going backwards by 100 years or less, is the verdict here.  the dead.  that caused this.  and riffs & people fighting, also.

2.  I graduated and turned into a fish poacher of the great lakes, in Chicago by 1996? 
this news article caused me alot of problems, I feel-like.  Ironically, this one is very well-done, full of many hidden, & diabolical messages, also.  At its surface though, it is basically "fake news," as show-cased by 2016.
this is one twisted & diabolical article here, how it all played out.  very well-played.  very ironic.
at its roots, I did fish for real, from the late 80's to late 90's, alot.  this was real, at its roots & basically how it did look, there, for the most part.  I can do this.  I have this skill-set.

3.  Thus I graduated and turned into Weed Legalizer.  You can see me in the newspaper, Bloomington, fall of y2k, with the pre-Drunken Pirates band line-up, I heard.  I walked in the parade, with the Legalize Marijuana crew, randomly invited, from the side-lines, as they passed by.  I get things done though.  Weed was legalized 15 years later?  I get results, sometimes, without trying.  This shows my pure unadulturated power, pure raw power, pure sheer might, sides. 
I personally believe that weed was legalized, later, due to me and Tambo, in this parade.  I believe that we are responsible.  This is pure power.  Absolute power, that does not corrupt.  Tambo corrupt, me no.  Me don't. 
I am pure power.  
ultimately, idk.  more "fake news," here, basically.  also somewhat well-played here, by b.c., tambo, & his rigged b.c. friends.  a college town is better for me, than chicago, IL, factory area.  the message here is "join the crowd," if you want to be way more successful, in the news, here from 1996-y2k.
96 likely is the source of some of my problems, due to the nature of this one here.
4.  In 2002, I did a series of Public Access shows, in B. 
I took them off the air by 2006.  I cancelled my Public Access by 2006, due to poor ratings, and lack of revenue coming into the show, which turned out to be $0, upon all these years of airing.  You could get to know more about me here, in this, due to me, getting irritated by my make-shift crew, people I lived in some college dorms with, for a couple of years.  These guys were deadbeats, and only into the show Jackass, and football.  It's hard to get a krew.  It's hard to form a gang.  It's hard to get a posse'.  Randomly, I said, "Alright guys this is lame," as I was directing these guys but they were not listening to me.  This worked out well though, as I look at this, in reverse, it shows me, exactly what was going on, with the entire thing, and how I really felt about it, back then, also, and these guys.  Some people leave clues, intentional on purpose, I noticed, throughout.  I never heard of that sort of thing before, until recently.  From me, this one was random, but it worked out anyhow.  These days are long gone, and I do not like to re-visit them, but it is what it is.  It did exist, and people did see it.  If you payed any attention, you got to learn just a little bit about me, back then, the real me, so that was fine.  You got to learn, that I can get irritated by some people, or maybe most people, because I was definitely irritated by these deadbeats, in my college dorms, back then, that's for sure.  They just didn't get it.  They don't know what life even is, they just call the popo, or turn into jew bankers.  They don't know what love really is, they just do as they are told, dead entitties, BASS. 
5.  By 2004, I called into the Fuch Show, and Mancows Morning Madhouse on Q101, FM Radio in Chicago.  This showed my comical side, which is the one I like, and prefer, mostly, when I can.  Comedy is everything!
Fuch labelled me as a Hubcap Theif in Gary, & as a Micheal Jackson cover band.  Mancow hung up on me.
Then, I became a Pimp that ran a sex commune. 
I notice some pattern here. 
6.  I did a small 1 day tour in NJ in this battle of the bands, in 8-2004.  This was an interesting show, that show-cased something I was building up back then, my darker side, one man band, with heavy metal screaming vocals.  It was me on guitar, to my live drum machine, with my screaming.  I was sharp, and really on top of my game, here at this point, let me tell ya, too.

7.  We did Guys Gone Wild 2006 Tour, of NYC, Long Island, NJ, Philadelphia mainly, In, then back in Chicago, IL.  The entire 30 days should have been filmed into a doc, but it wasn't.  Barely anything was filmed.  KKK sent the KKK band to all dem sick bastards, later, late night talk show hosts, by next year.  We never did get on dem shows, with the KKK band, dem sick basterds! 
this tour really wasn't in the news ever, & that was a shame. 
here was my raw talent in action, for the very first time,  a guitar player / vocalist, live on-tour, & no-one payed attention, very much. 
this one was a travesty. 
alot of these other articles, were basically, "fake news," though. 
I see a very "fake ass & very rigged, b.c. agenda here."

8.  We played a Halloween Gig at the Cinemat in B, and were on a Radio show, previous to that, as the new bassist in our new line-up for Dark Vanity Acid, during this time, was the DJ at the local radio station, in the City of B, during this same time.  This one was pretty nice, but due to me being heavily irritated with Exist, off and on for years, this show brought me over the brink, as I quit the band and quit Exist, 5 minutes after this gig ended, but I never told Exist that I quit him, and Dark Vanity Acid here, at this point, at this juncture.  Behind the scenes, this show was somewhat of a disaster in my eyes, but the thought was nice, and it was a nice place, and we were even on the marquee, outside, in a prime location, with 1000's of cars driving by, often, for about 1 week, previous to the show, with the name Dark Vanity Acid, Satan's Scrotum, Satan's God, Bunny Hoover, Indianapolis Colts, etc., back then.  This was a sweet little deal here, as essentially, fundamentally, DVA, was being treated like Royalty, here, at this juncture, during this gig, just before this gig, for about 1 week.  Back then, I didn't even know, but when I learned about the industry, many years later, I look back, and realize, this one was a sweet little thing here, and I had fun, looking back on this, but not during it, nor before it, for years, and years.  I had fun, for the first time, about 13 years, after this gig, looking back on it, piece by piece, thinking about the whole entire thing, summarizing it, and telling the full story about it.  What a neat little thing here, as we were treated like a real, industry, touring band here.  Real nice.  This gave me a great introduction to this, so that was nice.  Dark Vanity Acid was the last rendition.  It began back in 2001 fall as Satan's Scrotum by Exist.  Exist changed the name to Ritual Static by December.  It turned into the Big Bang in the fall of 2002.  The band ended by Jan 1, 2003, but the members never told me that, until around here, I'd argue, one member, did tell me then.  He turned out to be a total fucking piece of garbage, and moved to NOLA.  He'll be lucky if he doesn't get a fukkkin bullet in his head, Bass Charles aka Miles not living, aka Miles coffin.  The band turned back into another 2 piece, by around late 2004.  This was our last show.  I ended it.  Dark Vanity Acid, ended on that day, but I never told the members, that, but to let you people know, it's been done with, since 10-31-2007, over, done, no more, since then, never once since then.  I have not seen Exist one time, in real life since then.  DVA ended then, and I ended it.  I walked away from it, w/o telling them, and whenever I walk away from something, it always ends.  I walked away from the Drunken Pirates in the late fall of y2k, and magically, it ended, 1 day after I walked away.  They all were total fucking pieces of garbage.  They were drug dealers, drug doers, and drug pursuers.  Total losers.  Total trash.  Total garbage.    
I notice some pattern here.    

9.  I sent the shr comp cd, world-wide, for press, in underground webzines, previous to this, since 2005. 
We ended up in around 20 webzines world-wide. 
I remember the No Bullshit Webzine in Phillipines. 
That one stood out to me.

10.  Then, KKK got my 2005 shr comp cd, live on Stern in NJ and NY, I heard, say around 2008, some after-show wrap up?

11.  Next, I recieved a real boost in my career, as I became a Pimp that ran a sex commune, and or some kind of a Hitler-esque nudist colony camp, called Hitlers Lovers?  Again, this showed my sexual side, combined with my dark side, and my political side, I was basically raised into, moreso for the most part.  You can see my roots of that.  Backtrack to me as a child protestor in 80's.  Them people turned me more politically orientated, and darker, at a younger age.  Fake News!? 
I ended up world-wide, in the big time, with the big boys, the big whigs, riiight!?  In the dailymail.co.uk, website.  this was in 2013.  ask me about this one.  I may be able to find it still & show you, if you are the correct peoples, for any update section here also.  ask me if you are very interested, in me. 

12.   I was spotted in Third Man Records Store Day 2014, close by.  You can see the real me here, mostly, from high school, college days, walking around town, often, doing things, in bands.  Here is me, for the most part.  You'll get a decent first impression of my demenor here.  I'm not affiliated with this label, not with them.  This was random, also.  More fake news.  Seek this one on youtube.com.  Here, you can see the real star of the show.  interesting here, on 1 aspect.  to be in the news, via proxy, w/o actually having to be in the news.  this was a good idea, though.  i do probably prefer it this way, in most instances.  My blanks have already been filled in.  I didn't realize it was like this, or they, either, but this is what they are like.  It's what they do.  the news is the dead, ran by the dead.  they just fill in the blanks.  it can get vile also.  they'll throw you in jail, just to fill in the last blank also, to end up in the news.  this is what b.c. is like.  I'm glad it's over.  If a group of people really liked me for real, and I really liked them for real, I may concider being in the news, at some point in my life again, for them, if this was a ring, or cell of various college towns, or in another country around the world, where we can fill in all the blanks, fast, or something, there, a really good deal, a fantastik deal, but it would take an incredible lot there, so I doubt it.  If I ever had to, or gotta, this "via proxy," way, is about the only way here, I guess.  I'm glad it's over with though, back by 2018, already.  My life immediately got better, by now, in 2024, than it was, ever-before, there, also.  Ever. 
in the news 2015 due to this meat-head, these trash, filth, & garbage here.  jack white iii is with big oil.  m.w. likely.  stephen stoller.  43, soros.  etc.
13.  Then like Iron Mike?  I was a convicted raepist?  Turn off yer fukkkin station.  More fake news.  Every white male in the USA is a convicted Ray Ban Sunglasses though, am I right?!  Raypist?  Therapist?  Raipest?  Fastest Rapper?  Rap?  The Rap-ist?  Thee Fastest Rap-ist?  Fastest and Bestest Rapper of all time!?
Big Delicious Thugs 1997?  This showcased my sexual side, being trapped in an ex-Industrial Area.   
like I said previous, rigged, & forced, just to fill in a blank, if they gotta, this is what b.c., & jew, is like.  the dead.  2018.

14.  Earlier, I was on some underground Radio shows, like Little Fyodors in Colorado once, and Brutalism.com, in the Netherlands.  Maybe 2008 and later.  This showed my darker and more underground sides.  The Brutalism bit was funny to me, also.  I thought that guy was comical in this, but I don't believe that's what he was going for.  I get a real kick out of this one, to this very day, check it.  This was pure genius, right here!  Brutal Comedy?
This shows my more brutal comedy pure genius, twisted, & more diabolical sides.
15.  Previously, I was reviewed with a great review, in AEA Zine out of NYC area, calling one band "Non-Euclidian," Dark Vanity Acid and or Ritual Static, etc.  Fantastic Review here, in an obscure, niche, really nice printed zine, I'd say.  This was in 2010.  This showed my occult, dark side, and my underground side.  

16.  Previously, I was on several compliation CD's, as can be found on discogs.org.  Seek, Stevie Hayes, Satan's Scrotum, Frankenstoner, etc.  This happens from around 2003-2012 or so, something in there.  This showed my occult, darker side, and my underground sides.  

17.  Who knows, and maybe one day I'll end up on 60 minutes, and I'll finally get a chance to finally introduce myself to the world, in 60 min.  This will be so fukkking gorgeous.  For the first time ever, you'll get to see the real me, in full force, within my full regime.  My real introduction to the world.  I can get alot of people on my side, in this way.  You will need this 1, masterfully done, introduction to me, because a masterful hand is at work here.  You've never gotten to know the real me, ever before.  If you put all of this previous fake news together, from here, from this website, right here, right now, maybe you could get more of a glimpse, as to who I really am, and have been, for so long, maybe you can see the bigger pictures here, I'm not sure.  Try it out.  Have a blast! 

if you wanted to be in the news? 
i may concider___________, perhaps. 
I would first say to you. 
"are you sure!?"
"are you nuts!?" 
my take. 

2013 best one.

2002, p.a.
2004, man fuch
2005, comp cd, that was a mistake!  underground publications.
2007, b radio show, for dva band, pre-show.
2008-2010, stern for comp cd?    brutal fyd?
2010, AEA

idk.  something like that!

This showcased my pure fvking water?  My pure water, riiight!?  
I agree with, "Pleasure Forever."  At the end of it all, I got some heavily mis-guided love here?  I must have something they wanted?  Not sure.  Pleasure forever, I agree with that line.  I seek a life, like this, always.  I try to live my life like this, often.  At the end of it, all, when the smoke clears, I look at this attention, paid to me, as a positive thing, overall, despite how mis-guided these ones are.  I feel like I did ok, overall, thus far, in this cruel world.  I got a small chance, to showcase my true self, and my true colors, in very mis-guided and round-a-bout ways.  If you add the entire thing up, thus far, you may actually stand a chance, at getting to know me, and when the smoke clears, I'm happy about that.  Maybe, I stood a chance.  Most people do not?   

This is my dating website. 
Nice, young, white females, get in touch with me, a nice white male. 
Contact me.

Get to know me here, ok people. 
Here is the big picture. 
The info in these places here, combine all of it together, to get alot closer to the full story. 
- http://magnificentlystarpower.page.tl
- http://shrdictatorship.page.tl
- http://zendistro.page.tl
- https://cdpmtflnbrr.angelfire.com
- http://shrdictatorship.angelfire.com
- https://www.soundclick.com/member/default.cfm?memberID=1018965
- my soundclick gives info about me.
- Youtube has the comments open, and a small intro to me, to hear voice, sales pitch, show the descriptions, of what I seem to be seeking.

A playlist

Contact me.  Reach out to me. 


What am i looking for? 

- I am only interested in getting to know people first.  I have been reaching out for 20 years now, to 1000's of people, trying to find my kind, and meet my people, and tons of these bastards, and people whom are too stupid to be alive, too dead to be alive, keep on getting in the way, for 20+ years now.  I am honest, and if I know you, and you want to work with me, and vice versa, I don't play games.  I don't play games with peoples lives.  I don't waste peoples time, but the enemy, they do.   

Looking For:
- I am looking for, True white people.  Not mixed up people.  Real white people are the smartest people alive, on earth.  The jews, natives, and other races, are scam artists, and are dumber than true white people are.  Don't believe the hype.  

Looking For:
- Racist, and real white people, like me.  

Looking For:
- I am looking for, People whom function in a timely manner, and believe time is important to some great extent, but balanced.  I am not seeking the ones whom point at their watches, as shown on tv.  Them ones are radicals there. 
I am seeking the reasonable, whom simply nderstand that time definitely will run out, faster than you think. 

Looking For:
- I have never worked for anyone, or anybody ever.  I have been labelled as such though, anyway, constantly, by the stupid.  People whom are too stupid, to be alive, people whom are too dead, to be alive.  
I have been diy, indie, solo, my whole life, thus far.  
I have known people, and crossed paths, with alot of B.C., in the past, all the wrong people, not my kind, and have been royally screwed.  
But, the truth is, is I've never once worked for anybody, one time, ever.  
I'm truly RARE.  
Most won't believe this, and with the way the USA really is, that's understandable, too,
but totally true.

I am definitely seeking those ones, in my exact position.  This is why I emphasize this.  This is extremely important to me.  I've been seeking this type of person, for 20 years, now, at least, maybe since 1994, also.   

I don't operate in 3.  I've seen what that leads to.  My grandfather proved it, long ago.  This USA is a mess, due to him, getting into 3, back in 1960, or something. 
He was better off without it.  Just by doing it, over the years, proved it too.  Most of my entire life was destroyed by it, due to a jew named D.R. 

Me, my whole life, has been 1,
and due to the Rothschilds, jews, natives, always trying to bring someone into 3, is the problem, and has been, due to them. 
This is another of their tactics, in their "satanic plots."  
It is NOT due to real white people.
They have destroyed everything over and over again.  The Real White People have not, I guarantee you of that.
The real white people are the best, on earth.  The smartest people on earth, also. 

The public is the problem, also.  Once something goes public, it turns to shit, every single time.

It looks like I've been in 3, my whole life, but I never have been.  B.C. infiltrated me, since 1990, unsuspecting to me, in grade school, middle school.  A baseball coach, Mushroomhead, other dirty cheats & liars, a Kelly, & more, leaked something, and that messed me up, and the entire country, ever since, for some reason, showing the state of affairs in the United States, and the future outlook & future plan,
incredibly bleak, piss poor & cesspool. 
Cesspool Castle.  Cesspool Records.

I need to see who I've been attracting.  Contact me asap.  I'm deleting this, if you do not, because this is wasting my time, because you are wasting my time.  I'm trying to recruit people, and trying to find my people, in real life, that want to join me, face to face, in real life, and live with me, in my private community, and and that's that.

This will take me a lifetime, to set up, not much is set up currently.   I could greatly use your help, to set this up, and to get this ball rolling, also.  I could use your labor, your time, and if you're just like me, then that's what I'm seeking.  I ain't messing around, bullshitting around.  Either we are 100% right for each other, or wrong, and that's that.  I only deal in the natural, and the fortuitous order.  You can't fake it until you make it.

This is my private community, my private neighborhood, something small.  It's only my people in it, and that's it. 
If you are my people, we can all live in the same neighborhood, with one another. 
I'm building something, private, small, and that's 100% similiar across the board, no fakes, no frauds, phonies, 
I control the whole entire thing outright.  I'm your leader, and it's my way. 
Get in line with the leader, me, 100%, or else, be gone.
This is not a big thing. 
This is a small thing, a private thing, and that's that.
Do not worry about the name, or the website, you see I can change this website, in 10 minutes flat. 
It will be called, whatever, nothing, whatever, community, so do not pay any attention to that. 
Was a college dorm, idea, that quickly turned into a bunch of b.s., I wasn't expecting the USA to be so fucking dumb, again, but now I am not surprised, any longer, another of those moments, so do not worry about the names.  Names can be changed.  I don't care much about that.  

I am a revolutionary. 
We are at war, so be safe. 
I believe in intelligence, not stupidity. 
The stupid ain't gonna cut it here, either, furthermore, so stupid be gone!   
Your leader is a Revolutionary.  Influenced by many, Manson, Metzger, Castro, Saddam Husseine, Hitler, dictators, nazis, all the Potuses, many authors, poets, word-bringers, underground musicians, many leaders, etc.
I can change on a coin, so do not worry about that.  
I'm adaptable, I'm chamelion.  
So many people have at least one nice quotation.  I have 1000 quotes, I use to my advantage.  


I'm white, and I'm only seeking white people like me. 

Read some of the rest to get some quick ideas, of what I'm seeking.  If you do not fit in here, in the slightest based off what you are looking at, then I will never ever cross paths with you, and I do not want you.  I am racist, racialist, a discriminator, white, I am selective, and only seeking my kind,
and that's that.   
Period, the end. 

 Learn it fast, what I'm like.  Who I am.   Fit in?   Yes or no?    If so, contact me. asap. 

This website is my notebook, my scratch pad.  Cancel some ideas, use some other ones, at any time, whatever works, that's what I do, basically.  Just view the website, as a scratch pad.  Here are some ideas.  I got way more than this, offline.  How will you find out the other ideas? 
Like me?  
Talk to me. 
Contact me.

- I'm seeking some Ugandan girls, also.
- Well Right Now, What you Ugandan girls need to do next, is to blonde ambition. 
Contact me asap!
- Fuck stops

My Youtube Channels. 
Get to know more, here. 


Youtube playlists: 


Youtube Channel Descriptions updated here:




I love. 
I am love. 
I love you.

I am recruiting teens for an internship, students.  I need some volunteer, intern help, to teach you, the things, I would like to have used to do, do you know what I mean?  I've been doing the tedius stuff for so long, it's time, I teach you that.  Play video games?  You may be a fit there, also.  Any nice white teen females, play video games?  You do the very tedius, over and over stuff, over and over?  It's always like that, the stuff that needs to be done, so often, you know. 


Some are stuck in 1964, Jennay in Forest? 
Most are stuck in the 1970's now.
A few in the late 80's.  
Me, I'm stuck in 2023-2039, somewhere in there.  Even with my band Ritual Static, you can see evidence, I was stuck in 2020-2030, back in 2001.  Perhaps my kind of people, I'll share this in common with them, amongst many other things, like-wise.  

MFSP, is selling items off eBay & craigslist currently, as I was selling to flea market, auction, resale shop, goodwill, having an estate sale, door to door, sales representatives, & garage sales.
I have tried all of the above, thus far.

Text Me, Call me
Jim the CEO
(708) 794-8593
& leave a message. 
Text me some funny stuff.  
Love and Passion: I like the colors of the rainbow, love, and hearts. I like passion, and love. Contact me, to get started with this passionate love. I have other channels. Get in touch for this magical adventure. Tired of the same old? Gain the Magic, that is me. Gain the Regal Rainbow Experience.

I am recruiting high school and college students, as interns, for all of my projects, to show them the ropes.  This includes secretary, gardening, music lessons, resale, video editing, art, photography, photo editing, original music creation, recording studio, editing, organizing, and more.  Let's make it happen.  We create our own opportunities.  If you don't screw me over, I won't screw you over, and it will only get better, in the future.  You can definitely learn new things here, things that practically no one else, anywhere else will tell you. We give people a fair shake, as long as you are not human garbage, and treat me fair, honest, decent, kind, forever.  Have integrity?  I'm different than most of them, if all at this point. 

Those whom run these places are proving to be trash & garbage.  Look at the Far East.  Look at white.  Look at Gate.  Look at the dirty water in the black house.  Look at Holly.  Look at the dirty water all over.  Look at Wood.  Look at 141.  Look at Yales - Skull & Bones.  Look at Silver.  Look at Santa Claus.  Look at natives, jews, mexicans, and blacks.  Look at the dirty water.

Now recruiting students for an internship.
I will give you the basics of running a business.  You'll learn alot that will stay with you forever.  If you stick with it, start your own business, you could gain wealth in your futures.

Items For Sale 2022 & more, purchase these like CL, in real life:
1. Chicago Mafia Golf Club Set $13,000 cash
2. Lovers Lane 1950's Comic Books
3. Silver Platter/Tray
4. a few 1st Edition Books
5.  A full Tama Drum Kit, with 3 snare drums, really sweet!
6.  and alot more!  Now is the time!

This world is surrounded by water.  I'm surrounded by dirty water, pretty much, no matter where I travel. 
As long as I can bend the water to my will, or change the muddy water to my ways, into my doctrine, that's what I'm seeking. 
Is that you?  Are you willing to let the man be the man?  That's me. 
Are you willing to let the magical man, be the magical man? 
Then contact me, to find out more. 
I'm tired of trying to explain myself, to a bunch of people, that there is no communication with. 
So if you're not reasonable, and read below, you need not apply here.

"I don't know why people are this fvcking stupid, but some of them are!
Water be gone!
I don't make these websites, to attract a bunch of Hick, and a bunch of dirt water! 
That's not the intent!  I'm not trying to pander to everybody in the entire world, I'm just trying to pander 
to my kind of people! 
Open-minded, kind, respectable, integrity, discipline, honor, righteousness, reasonable peoples. 
Get a clue!
Fvck You! 
If you cannot figure this out!" 
- Jim CEO

as this described what I was, back then.
I promoted this site heavily and when I was in the news, this website was linked up to that website, furthermore.
Just as I auctioned off everything, I obtained many 1000's more website hits.
Around the same time, I started zenresale.page.tl, around this time, hence why it did not recieve that many hits, ever since.

From the past:
If you want to purchase anything listed here, now we are located at:


Call me if you want a custom patio built for the wealthy.  $30,000.00 minimum.

since 2016, and now in 2017 with a re-Tool-ling.
currently now it is 2022.  I don't give interviews.  Trust me.
Let's Get Dangerous.  Let's get mysterious.

Call me at (708) 794-8593 & leave a message,
for any of these services, or to get in touch to join us. 

Grow a garden

ZEN Resale

was selling items off craigslist, having estate sales, & garage sales, often from 2008-2013. 

Whale Shark News Corporation
is Expanding & Hiring More Journalists!
Contact the phone number at
to write stories for W.S.N.C.!


You Stupid Fvcks!

Click here to find out alot about me, and to view my youtube videos, and other websites, of some of my past 


Hi, how are you doing? 
I'm getting hammered over here. 

It's been an insurrection here against me, that's been happening here, to me since 1997 or so.  I'd like to sell to more insurrectionists.  Now, they're not really my kind of people, but I would like to sell to you, if you need something.  Maybe my people, are somewhere, really close by?  People are near other people, you know how it is.  You a Trump-ian?  I could sell to you?  What do you think? 
I hope you enjoyed your order. 
I gave you a bonus. 
If you like any more sandals, I have like 5-10 pairs of them, up for sale, if anyone is interested. 
I'm taking them to like a salvation army soon, if nobody is interested. 
Can you introduce me, to anyone that is more of my kind of people? 
I'm seeking my kind of people, because I'm getting beat up over here, so I need to find my kind of people. 
I'm not sure if you're my kind or not?
Let me know. 
My kind of people will like to converse with me, and talk to me, often, and share ideas, just for starters.     
Maybe it will help people give them, more of an introduction, to who I am? 
Check out my youtubes sometime, to find out even a bit more. 
But them youtubes aren't filmed that well, either. 
Now Recruiting 2 people!  4-19-2022:
- I need a camera man and photographer.  It can be a female also.  I'm seeking those of the white race.   

- I need 1 teenage employee to volunteer selling CD's / DVD's for me, on a deal.   Someone that plays video games, often, could be the type of person I'm seeking, male or female.  White race.   After they are done, they will bring home  $600.   Let me know, if I could hire anyone, for these 2 functions? 
Or if anyone is interested?   


Turtle Tortoise Turquoise Necklace Chain Choker Jewelry.
Lovely, Hip, Beautiful, Sheek, & Trendy. 
Turquoise jewelry is always the jewelry I look at first, every single time. 
I always go for the Turquoise, every time I travel and I'm in a jewelry store, which isn't that often.
Every single time, I pop into a jewelry store, on my travels, I, just for some reason, always find myself looking at Turquoise items, first, like about every single time, for some reason.  
I don't know about you?

Here, I am trying to show my own compromise with the public. 
I am looking for items, like this, that we both like, all at the same time. 
I enjoy selling, and you enjoy buying.  I enjoy looking at, and you enjoy looking at. 
That you enjoy in your hands, and that I enjoy in my hands.
I am trying to give you and me, both, what we want, together. 
I am seeking products like this, to sell, that I enjoy selling, that I like to sell. 
I don't like to sell many products also.  
Some products irritate me, and hence, that's why I'm selling them, to get them gone, on out of here, asap, 
so please buy my products asap, to help me de-stress myself!  
Spread the word, because you know how it is, some people need something, that I have, and I don't want it, 
and have not wanted it for years!  
Many things I have, have been irritating me for years!
I am trying to do the bad things, I do not want to do, to get to the things, I do want to do. 
I am seeking products I do like to sell, as that is what I do want to do.  
Sell more item lines, that I do want to sell, and that I do like, and do like to do.
I can dig this, also. 
Pretty much, so far, I'm digging this, that's why I just re-stocked this item into my inventory.  
I have 20 x more in stock, right now.
This time around, they cost me twice as much, also, just to buy, so I have to raise the price, a bit.  
This is more than likely due to modern gas prices, being the highest in history, here in the USA, I am guessing. 
Come on down!  

Condition is New with tags.

Plus more jewelry in this jewelry lot.

Shipped with USPS First Class Package.

Hereth, Gifts hath been given fro thee Ukrainian Russian Villiages. 
You hit thee subscribe button. 
Lusting after thou,
In doing, thou willeth buy-eth more gifts, I have provided-eth, through-eth.
I willeth selleth to thou, in thouest Tea Party, Inshrsirrectionists, whig partei, I ain't whacko-chop, partei.
Magnificently Fruitiest Power, Greatest of all thee Star Powers, A-round! 
Wide Load!  Big Load!
As Long As I'm Alive!


Someone replies, "Them youtube videos you do are DEEP." 
I say,
Thanks.  It's definitely something.  Thanks for that.  I am pretty deep, I'd say.  I've been that way since 2003, at least, maybe since the late 1990's.  While it's a lot of things, but probably, it's not been filmed properly, even to this day, and could be looked at, mainly as demos.  I've kind of been seeking the right personell, for vast swaths of my life, but have not been able to find it.  I tried to form full bands, since 2000, but every single one failed, as they were all assclowns, and not my kind of people.  The trick is, is to find my kind of people, exactly, my soul mates, and soul brothers.  If you could spread the word to anybody, that is even remotely like me, at all, that would be fantastic.  I'm the type of guy that may require a small team in the future, to back me up.  I've been doing one-man bands, and one-man businesses, for far too long now.  Since like 2002, at least.  I'm getting beat up, over many years, since 1997, at least, also.  I got destroyed in 2007-2008, until, way later, also.  I need supporters, real supporters, and people that are my kind, period, the end.  If you can spread the word, that I'm looking.  Show them my few websites here, just for starters.  It could help out.  I'm slowly trying to network my way into what I've been looking for, for so long, in this destroyed country, and world here, from my eyes.  Once my KKK was gone, that was the end for me.  2008, was the end for me, basically.  I've been having problems ever since then.  Ask me about who "my kkk," was.  He's on youtube.  

This is 2010, and somebody elses project, not mine.  It worked out well for 2010, but it's sort of dated, in some ways, to most people.  It hit back then, and I wouldn't take it that seriously, in my opinion, if you have been, or are. 
I view it as like, well it is what it is.  Whatever man.  It's 2010.  Things change.  As long as you are nice, and realize that it's just a piece of art work, I'll let you do whatever you want with it, basically, but me?  I no longer care about it, and have not, for years.  Me, I stopped caring about it, maybe in 2014, lastly, so anyone that loves it, it's going to be hard for me, to relate to you, understand and realize that.  I just hope that you're open-minded enough, to skip over it, if you despise it.   


I was talking to some bridge recently, on my ebay, and you know how the world is, it's hard to get a bridge to actually link you to your kind of people, utlimately, and sometimes their responses are not to my liking either.  This bridge responded to some of my emails, with responses extremely characteristic of many other peoples in the Chicago-land area, so I got a bit pissy, for one split second there, hearing the same shit over and over again, on repeat.  That caused me to say this, to them, nextly.  "I don't believe in this entire area, for the most part.  Chicago-land.
So, at this point, I doubt i'll find my soul-mates, around these parts.
This is like the Blues Brothers movie, on repeat around here, in a lot of ways, and I don't support that, or dig that.  Basically, this is a leftover industrial area, and those are shit, were shit, and are still shit, for the types of people that I've evolved into, and have become.

While it's a long story, I've been in therapy for years, due to it now,
literally getting abused, for most of my entire life, in many different ways, by my relatives, and others close by.
You can see how that would be one long story, after the next.  I wrote this initially to the guy.  So then I came to my website here, and decided to tell the much longer story here.  These initial conversations triggered me, to come here next.  

- alot of problems, are coming from around here also, from certain entitties that have been spying on my family since 1990, at least, maybe since the late 70's.

- it's next door neighbors, whom are all shit, also, and way more.  There is a monolithic conspiracy around here, where 20 years ago, neighbors moved in, in teirs, to engage in a witchcraft plot, that is now culimating, ahead of their scheduled target date of 2024.  They were way ahead of their target date.  These neighbors that moved in, are absolute water, total trash, total garbage, and they've attracted lots of problems around here, because they are total fucking water to the neighborhood.  One neighbor moved in, back in 1999, that seems the root, of this plot, as he decided to jump on the band wagon, and has been going along with it, since he got re-married, and I forgot when, but it seems like it was after 2008.  Their plot, came staggered in layers, but it's been there, since about 2009 or so.  This is an exact repeat of the early 70's.  I saw it in the Carol Burnett show, in fact.  What the fuck kinds of people are these?  Total fucking water to me.  Total fucking garbage, total fucking trash, retards, idiots.  Like Richard "The Iceman" Kluklinksi said in 1986, you people are watching too many movies.  They've began living their lives based off movies, long ago.  These people are so dead, they cannot live their own natural, fortuitous lives, they have to latch onto, and construct, things that are in tv shows, Hollywood movies, and then live their lives, in that fashion.  What a bunch of dead-beat, losers.  Losers.
I'm looking to construct my own small community, that I build, from the ground up, that consists of people that share my agenda, 100%, and only listen to me.  I'm the man.  I want people that want to be there, because they personally know me, are with me, and are my kind of people.  Reasonable, gifted, open-minded, common sense, types of people, that fit in with me.  My soul brothers, soul sisters, soul mates.  I don't want infiltrators, that move in later, for other deceptive agendas.  They don't really know me, nor do they really care.  The neighborhood has other ammenities, people care about, like good schools, and a few other perks, but not many at all when you really think about it, as the rent is too damn high, and all for virtually nothing.  We're not building nothing in the USA, and around the world either, we're building nothing that works, in reality, all that we've actually created is more land-fills, nuclear holocausts, toxic waste dumps, scrap yards, junk yards, graveyards, concrete jungles, Supersize Me, American Psycho films, etc.  I'm only looking to build my own community, of people that personally know me very well first, because they're actually in my life, for real, first. 
Not just some more loser outsiders, that have heard some rumors, gossip, lies, labels, some more trash, from the natives, jews, and dirty dead mixtures around.  You can't escape the scum.  Labellers.  If you're not in my life for real, then it's not likely, that I want you around, close by me.  You can't fake it until you make it.  Not here.  Not with me. 
I'm looking for some real people, down to earth, also, and that aren't just motivated in life by fakery combined with convienience.  You'll notice that most people in this life, meet up, just out of convienience, and I learned 20 years ago, that this is the wrong way to do things, overall.  So often, more times, than not, what is simply convienient isn't always your soul brothers, soul sisters, right for you.  Often times convienience equals water, people that are not truly right for you, and ultimately when push comes to shove, what we keep seeing in this world more and more, backed up against a wall, wars, insurrections, 2008's, 2008 stock market crashes, and in my case much more, these people, ultimately are not going to be there for you, and will run away.  I saw this back in 2008, and the world keeps on fucking up, over and over again, since then, also.  Inserrections to more war, to violatile politics.  They have songs and musicians out there, that know about this concept, they have things like, "Give me convienience, or give me death!"

- If I don't personally know you, I don't owe you.  That's the issue with the public.  I've been gang-stalked by the public, in parking lots for years, now, due to Benjamin Wesley Meyers JUDEN!, in dirty ghetto kids, back in 2006-2007, playing theatre in parking lots, behind gas stations, etc.  We clearly see that the gang-stalking public, thinks I owe them.  I don't know these random strangers.  They're not in my life.  I don't owe them nothing.  They keep on gang-stalking me, anyway.  What are they seeking?  They keep on giving me looks in parking lots, play acting things, etc.  This is the problem with the public.  They are vile & disgusting.  I can see this concept has been erased from their genetics, literally.  They just don't have what it takes, genetically.  If you're not personally in my life, I don't owe you.   

- it's alot of bad people also.

- when doing underground music, it's such a tough road, you run into a couple of problematic people that way, also, and the problem is, is they learn much more about you, as they've already secretly knew about you for years previous, anyway, due to things like a Nickle, People magazine, Uk Royals, myspace.com, and Paint Booths down in Texas back in the 60's.

- but nothing compares to the problematic spies, that the government itself has, whom still have not been exe-cuted yet.

Around here, they blame alot of things. It's hard to know exactly who is causing all of it.

1. natives & Jews & the dead
2. potus
3. secret service, 2 natives in there, in a conspiracy under 43, who caused it to begin with
4. a horse. rothschild
5. government
6. billionaires
7. 1 journalist and hezbollah
8. 1 journalist and mexican gang members
9. france, and french witchcraft
10. italians
12. white ( a group)
13. yales - skull and bones
14. midnight blue & natives
15. americanization
16. black mobus. black females, black plastic dish.
17.  The dead typically seem mixed with French, Asian, Japanese, Italian, Irish, Jewish, Native, or 100% that, don't they? 
18.  The Dirty Dead & The Glash Dishes
19.  Jews
20.  Brown (a group)
21.  UK Royals & Freemasons
22.  The public (in my book, the public has been a massive problem, gargantuan, I think they're about the biggest problem, I've ever encountered yet.)
23.  Ski slopes, the vampires in white, in a plot, put out front by a lodge, then by a canning factory, black. 
24.  Some blame black, as they've caused me a massive problem, through a rich family that infiltrated me by 2001, and knew of me since the 1990's, the Vampires in White.  Count Dracula infiltrated me, back then, and they personally caused me, massive problems, also.  This is what can happen to you in college dorms.  Welcome to the USA.
Someone in black is capable of integrity also, as they may have saved a day, once.  Black has the ability to go back and forth, it would appear, but what they did to me, with this white ski slope thing, is unprecedented.  People are born with vocal chords, and things like this simply could be taught in a classroom, or face to face, it didn't have to be done in this way, letting it linger for years, apathetically, as I got destroyed and burned, for years, unbenounced to me, the whole time, until after 2017, firstly.  This is a long story.  Well, now you're going to pay for it, because I'll teach anyone that wants to listen and learn from me, about whom to burn, & to stay away from, and boycott, and overthrow, and ursurp, from now until forever.  You'll get burned, for a long time, now, that I know your secrets, and are super fixated on whom the problem is coming from.  I'll simply train others, to do you in, from now, until forever.  "As long as I'm alive!"  I'll be coming for you now!  Guess who won't be working for you, supporting you, etc.  Taco Bell is black.  Little Ceasers Pizza is black, and everything black, is the root of this conspiracy.  Pizza Hut, may be black.  I'd never work for any of those places, as long as we're alive!  Boycott them until they are bankrupt, and long gone!  Canning Factories in Cordova, Alaska, next to a lodge, put the ski slope out front!  Boycott from now until forever!  Garlic White Dressing, is like the ski slope!  The white has garlic in it!  Ski Slopes on the mountain are Garlic, and Vampires!
You fucked with the wrong guy!   

something in there, combos of, and or more too

Let's talk about it. 
Ask me for more details,
this website could get you started. 

The only reason I've done these websites since 2002, until now in 2022, for 20 years straight, is to attract what wants me, and then we get in touch, and then I find out that I want them too.  
I only want to join you, if you want to join me, first, and vice versa.  These websites will help you find out about me, to see if you like me, firstly.  Then we have to get to know each other first.  

When I build a website, I like to fortuitously goof around, basically, until something hits, until something works well, and or even goes viral.  Going viral is the way to spread my message further, at the very least, if even nothing else happens.  Websites are set up to come in layers, to hit in layers.  I'm looking for my ultimate with this, and have been for 20 years now, but if all I accomplish is going viral a few times, and further spreading my messages, then that's the game, as far as I can see.  It's all part of this method, or this game.  I guess the way it turns out is, is I'll take anything I can get, basically more or less.  We all hope for more, in life.  We all want to thrive, not just survive, we all want it our way, 100% of the time, we all want to live our life, 100% our way, 100% of the time, always, but ultimately when it all comes down to it, or boils down to it, I'll take anything I can get, in life.  I just hope that when my site goes viral, I just hope it's lining up in such a way, that serves to greatly benefit me, during that time frame.  Sometimes in the past, I went viral, and in this gambling casino, roll the dice, and take your chances, in the stars, fortuitous, goofing around method, I've been using, since forever, that's my personality, and my way, so often, sometimes in the past, that mission failed.  The website didn't even line up, with the messages, I wanted to go viral, during those time frames, let alone even get to the ultimate point of recruiting somebody or many people, in which I wanted to recruit so badly, so desperately.  This is how it is, this is how it was, for me at least, I guess.  In life, you've got to flow in and out, ebb with the tides, you've got to roll with some punches out there, I have! 
Mood:  Clownin Around!   

Text me & Call me at (708) 794-8593 & leave a message, for SRHH, Call me here, text me here, say hi, and tell me something, you've seen on my website, strike up a convo with me, send me a funny picture, please do,
and If you want some merch, from the past Guys Gone Wild Tour 2006, 6-6-06.  I still have some merch.  I manufactured some merch, after-wards also, some cassette tape box sets, from 2008 forward.

We in da Twilight Zone!?!@

Well, I can tell you this. 
Bigfoot has left the building, and is out of sight.  He's been harder to find than ever!  He ain't coming back for a long time! 
So, now we can find something else to do.  Let's learn how to adapt.  Let's become more adaptable. 
Times change, and things change!  That's how life is.  That's how the world is. 
This is how the country behaves. 
This was a nice experiment.  I'm trying to attract my kind of people into this, but it has not neccessarily attracted the right people.  It attracts mostly the wrong people, my enemies, or not my kinds of people.  I'm a rare guy.  This is a work in progress.  I've always been trying to attract the young people, the youth.  My kind of people in the youth.  I know you're out there. 
This website, this concept, this mission, it needs something else.
I feel like I need something else here. 
I need a team of my people. 
I need a new name. 
I need a retooling effort.
I'm not all about money here.  Money is not the only living thing on earth.  I agree with that. 
I always have.
Most people these days have turned into the bottom line only, more and more. 
Me, I've never been like that. 
You are not neccessarily my type of person at all, if all you care about in life, is the bottom line. 
There may be some ultra rare exception there, that I could get along with 1, or more, people whom are like this type of person, but it's going to be ultra rare, for that to be the case, for that to actually be so, 
as that's not my kind, not my kind of people there. 
Some, from my area, have said, "We support the underdog, or root for the underdog," something like this, but that's the general public, that would say that, and I wasn't quite like that either, I'd argue.  
I was certainly never brought up into that, raised up into that slogan, or anything like that.  I barely heard it, my entire life.  
But, that slogan may resonate with you, let me know if that slogan means anything to you, and if you resonate with that concept.  Question?  
That could be something to get us talking, initially, perhaps, lets see about that.  
I still need to try different things.
Many things are susceptable to change, take music for one example.  If you look into music history, music seems to change a little bit, about every 20 years or so?  I started this 20 years ago.  I think I may need to change alot, or a little bit, morph into something else, in a way. 
If anyone is interested in this, in any way, shape, and or form, please let me know. 
This could be a nice thing, this could bring in a new era. 
We could team up, change some things, and usher in a new era. 
Who knows what could happen, especially, if I or we, could find a way to get many people on our side, on our team, doing things our way, my way.  I'm the type of guy that likes to have hope and enthusiasm for the future, and we need to bring that message to others whom want to join me, or us.  I'd like to inspire others, and offer them hope and enthusiasm for the future, regardless of what my name ends up becoming in the future. 
Names are susceptable to change. 
A name is a name.  It's just part of it. 
Concepts, Hope, Desire, Enthusiasm, Love, Beliefs, Missions, some things never change. 
A great mission in life, never changes.   
This is the only way to live. 
More pain & misery is not an option.  

Is there any white teen out there, that plays video games,
is on a smart phone, laptop, tablets, some type of device, looking at my wesite here, that wants to become employed by me?
You would like to become friends, and possible business partners, also?
We can form a small team?  
I have a deal, for you.
I have a deal we can work out that will help to carry us more into the future, so we can keep on keeping on, so we can press on. 
Contact me for details.  It's pretty nice and it's pretty fun deal we can work out.
We both will both benefit. 
You can see generally what I am all about here, but I am susceptable to changes. 
I like to change. 
To an extent, I am the type of guy that does not mind it, all that much, as I am different than most, in that way. 
I am adaptable, somewhat. 
Learn some of what I am about, and get in touch with me, if you want to find out much more about me, also, to see, if you like me, and generally believe in most of the same things, I believe in also. 
Not everything is shown on this website. 
Not even close.
I am well rounded, and I was taught to gravitate towards that at some point.  I forget the origins of that concept, but I drifted towards that, pretty early on.
I was taught back in middle school, to care about my future, and to worry about my future. 
I was told to begin to prepare for my future, and always have that concept in mind also. 
These days, where I am from, I see lots of people that give me the impression of people that do not give a damn about their future, and never did, in fact. 
These people appear like they were taught differently than me.
I can't understand wtf is wrong with these people man, and or how in the fvck these people are even still here, and or even still alive, man!?
Please get in touch with me,
please, and thank you.     

I've got a great joke for some people, in the world. 
Anything could change! 
Sometimes, people change!
Sometimes things change!
Most things never change!
"Water never changes!"



Fake News: 
I have been in the news several times:  
My fake national, world-wide news repertoire':
Check this, as some of this was alright, to give you some introduction to me, and some different sides of my personalities, when you put all of this together, into one big lump sum, kettle, mixing bowl, and or pot.  I'm not done yet!? 
My sex community, may come back, at some point in my lifetime, it will sort of be like the jokers cards?  There is some repetetion in life, often, but I do not try for this.  Maybe the next time I strike, in the world-wide media, or local, maybe you'll get the 2nd jokers card, with more information, that you did not recieve last time.  Last time, it was the first jokers card, and my introduction only, some sort of like, "I'm here, did you realize, I do exist on earth?  I'll bet you didn't know that." 
Lookout for the next Soakers Card, in the next 10 years, perhaps.  We'll see. 

1.  I began as a Humble Child Protestor in the streets of Chicago in the 80's. 
2.  I graduated and turned into a fish poacher of the great lakes, in Chicago by 1996. 
3.  Thus I graduated and turned into Weed Legalizer.  You can see me in the newspaper, Bloomington, fall of 2000, with the pre-Drunken Pirates band line-up, I heard.  I walked in the parade, with the Legalize Marijuana crew, randomly invited, from the side-lines, as they passed by.  I get things done though.  Weed was legalized 15 years later?  I get results, sometimes, without trying.  This shows my pure unadulturated power, pure raw power, pure sheer might, sides. 
I personally believe that weed was legalized, later, due to me and Tambo, in this parade, in 2000.  I believe that we are responsible.  This is pure power.  Absolute power, that does not corrupt.  Tambo corrupt, me no.  Me don't. 
I am pure power.      
4.  In 2002, I did a series of Public Access shows, in Bloomington.  I took them off the air by 2006.  I cancelled my Public Access show by 2006, due to poor ratings, and lack of revenue coming into the show, which turned out to be $0, upon all these years of airing.  You could get to know more about me here, in this, due to me, getting irritated by my make-shift crew, people I lived in some college dorms with, for a couple of years.  These guys were deadbeats, and only into the show Jackass, and football.  It's hard to get a krew.  It's hard to form a gang.  It's hard to get a posse'.  Randomly, I said, "Alright guys this is lame," as I was directing these guys but they were not listening to me.  This worked out well though, as I look at this, in reverse, it shows me, exactly what was going on, with the entire thing, and how I really felt about it, back then, also, and these guys.  Some people leave clues, intentional on purpose, I noticed, throughout.  I never heard of that sort of thing before, until recently.  From me, this one was random, but it worked out anyhow.  These days are long gone, and I do not like to re-visit them, but it is what it is.  It did exist, and people did see it.  If you payed any attention, you got to learn just a little bit about me, back then, the real me, so that was fine.  You got to learn, that I can get irritated by some people, or maybe most people, because I was definitely irritated by these deadbeats, in my college dorms, back then, that's for sure.  They just didn't get it.  They don't know what life even is, they just call the popo, or turn into jew bankers.  They don't know what love really is, they just do as they are told, dead entitties, BASS.     
5.  By 2004, I called into the Fuch Show, and Mancows Morning Madhouse on Q101, FM Radio in Chicago.  This showed my comical side, which is the one I like, and prefer, mostly, when I can.  Comedy is everything!
Fuch labelled me as a Hubcap Theif in Gary, & as a Micheal Jackson cover band.  Mancow hung up on me.
Then, I became a Pimp that ran a sex commune. 
I notice some pattern here.  
6.  I did a small 1 day tour in NJ in this battle of the bands, in 8-2004.  This was an interesting show, that show-cased something I was building up back then, my darker side, one man band, with heavy metal screaming.  It was me on guitar, to my live drum machine, with my screaming vocals.  I was sharp, and really on top of my game, here at this point, let me tell ya, too.
7.  We did Guys Gone Wild 2006 Tour, of NYC, Long Island, NJ, Philadelphia mainly, Indiana, then back in Chicago, IL.  The entire 30 days should have been filmed into a doc, but it wasn't.  Barely anything was filmed.  KKK sent the KKK band to all dem sick bastards, later, late night talk show hosts, in 2007.  We never did get on dem shows, with the KKK band, dem sick basterds! 
8.  We played a Halloween Gig at the Cinemat in Bloomington, and were on a Radio show, previous to that, as the new bassist in our new line-up for Dark Vanity Acid, during this time, was the DJ at the local radio station, in the City of Bloomington, during this same time.  This was on 10-31-2007, and this one was pretty nice, but due to me being heavily irritated with Exist, off and on for years, this show brought me over the brink, as I quit the band and quit Exist, 5 minutes after this gig ended, but I never told Exist that I quit him, and Dark Vanity Acid here, at this point, at this juncture.  Behind the scenes, this show was somewhat of a disaster in my eyes, but the thought was nice, and it was a nice place, and we were even on the marquee, outside, in a prime location, with 1000's of cars driving by, often, for about 1 week, previous to the show, with the name Dark Vanity Acid, Satan's Scrotum, Satan's God, Bunny Hoover, Indianapolis Colts, etc., back then.  This was a sweet little deal here, as essentially, fundamentally, DVA, was being treated like Royalty, here, at this juncture, during this gig, just before this gig, for about 1 week.  Back then, I didn't even know, but when I learned about the industry, many years later, I look back, and realize, this one was a sweet little thing here, and I had fun, looking back on this, but not during it, nor before it, for years, and years.  I had fun, for the first time, about 10 years to 12 years, after this 2007 gig, looking back on it, piece by piece, thinking about the whole entire thing, summarizing it, and telling the full story about it.  What a neat little thing here, as we were treated like a real, industry, touring band here.  Real nice.  This gave me a great introduction to this, so that was nice.  Dark Vanity Acid was the last rendition.  It began back in 2001 fall as Satan's Scrotum by Exist.  Exist changed the name to Ritual Static by December.  It turned into the Big Bang in the fall of 2002.  The band ended by Jan 1, 2003, but the members never told me that, until around 2007, I'd argue, one member, did tell me then.  He turned out to be a total fucking piece of garbage, and moved to NOLA.  He'll be lucky if he doesn't get a fukkkin bullet in his head, Bass Charles aka Miles L.  The band turned back into another 2 piece, by around late 2004.  This was our last show.  I ended all of it, 10-31-2007.  Dark Vanity Acid, ended on that day, but I never told the members, that, but to let you people know, it's been done, since 10-31-2007, over, done, no more, since then, never once since then.  I have not seen Exist one time, in real life since then.  DVA ended then, and I ended it.  I walked away from it, w/o telling them, and whenever I walk away from something, it always ends.  I walked away from the Drunken Pirates in the late fall of 2000, and magically, it ended, 1 day after I walked away.  They all were total fucking pieces of garbage.  They were drug dealers, drug doers, and drug pursuers.  Total losers.  Total trash.  Total garbage.    
I notice some pattern here.    
9.  I sent the shr comp cd, world-wide, for press, in underground webzines, previous to this, since 2005.  We ended up in around 20 webzines world-wide.  I remember the No Bullshit Webzine in Phillipines.  That one stood out to me.
10.  Then, KKK got my 2005 shr comp cd, live on Stern in NJ and NY, I heard, say around 2008, some after-show wrap up?
11.  Next, I recieved a real boost in my career, as I became a Pimp that ran a sex commune, and or some kind of a Hitler-esque nudist colony camp, called Hitlers Lovers?  Again, this showed my sexual side, combined with my dark side, and my political side, I was basically raised into, moreso for the most part.  You can see my roots of that.  Backtrack to me as a child protestor in 80's.  Them people turned me more politically orientated, and darker, at a younger age.  Fake News!? 
I ended up world-wide, in the big time, with the big boys, the big whigs, riiight!?  In the dailymail.co.uk, website. 
12.   I was spotted in Third Man Record Store Day 2014, close by.  You can see the real me here, mostly, from high school, college days, walking around town, often, doing things, in bands.  Here is me, for the most part.  You'll get a decent first impression of my demenor here.  I'm not affiliated with this label, not with them.  This was random, also.  More fake news.  Seek this one on youtube.com.  Here, you can see the real star of the show.  
13.  Then like Iron Mike?  I was a convicted raepist?  Turn off yer fukkkin station.  More fake news.  Every white male in the USA is a convicted Ray Ban Sunglasses though, am I right?!  Raypist?  Therapist?  Raipest?  Fastest Rapper?  Rap?  The Rap-ist?  Thee Fastest Rap-ist?  Fastest and Bestest Rapper of all time!?
Big Delicious Thugs 1997?  This showcased my sexual side, being trapped in an ex-Industrial Area.   
14.  Earlier, I was on some underground Radio shows, like Little Fyodors in Colorado once, and Brutalism.com, in the Netherlands.  Maybe 2008 and later.  This showed my darker and more underground sides.  The Brutalism bit was funny to me, also.  I thought that guy was comical in this, but I don't believe that's what he was going for.  I get a real kick out of this one, to this very day, check it.  This was pure genius, right here!  Brutal Comedy?
This shows my more brutal comedy pure genius, twisted, & more diabolical sides.    
15.  Previously, I was reviewed with a great review, in AEA Zine out of NYC area, calling one band "Non-Euclidian," Dark Vanity Acid and or Ritual Static, etc.  Fantastic Review here, in an obscure, niche, really nice printed zine, I'd say.  This was in 2010.  This showed my occult, dark side, and my underground side.  
16.  Previously, I was on several compliation CD's, as can be found on discogs.org.  Seek, Stevie Hayes, Satan's Scrotum, Frankenstoner, etc.  This happens from around 2003-2012 or so, something in there.  This showed my occult, darker side, and my underground sides.  

17.  Who knows and maybe one day I'll end up on 60 minutes, and I'll finally get a chance to finally introduce myself to the world, in 60 minutes.  This will be so fukkking gorgeous.  For the first time ever, you'll get to see the real me, in full force, within my full regime.  My real introduction to the world.  I can get alot of people on my side, in this way.  You will need this 1, masterfully done, introduction to me, because a masterful hand is at work here.  You've never gotten to know the real me, ever before.  If you put all of this previous fake news together, from here, from this website, right here, right now, maybe you could get more of a glimpse, as to who I really am, and have been, for so long, maybe you can see the bigger pictures here, I'm not sure.  Try it out.  Have a blast! 
This showcased my pure fvking water?  My pure water, riiight!?  
I agree with, "Pleasure Forever."  At the end of it all, I got some heavily mis-guided love here?  I must have something they wanted?  Not sure.  Pleasure forever, I agree with that line.  I seek a life, like this, always.  I try to live my life like this, often.  At the end of it, all, when the smoke clears, I look at this attention, paid to me, as a positive thing, overall, despite how mis-guided these ones are.  I feel like I did ok, overall, thus far, in this cruel world.  I got a small chance, to showcase my true self, and my true colors, in very mis-guided and round-a-bout ways.  If you add the entire thing up, thus far, you may actually stand a chance, at getting to know me, and when the smoke clears, I'm happy about that.  I stood a chance?  I stand a chance?  Most people do not?



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